Wednesday, November 14, 2012

thank you

I just wanted to tell everyone thank you for all of the love and support you have given me during this transition time. What an emotional roller coaster but the positive energy everyone has exuded made it much "easier". Thank you so much for the thoughtful gifts and cards, it means so much because they clearly had such personal thought behind them.

I am so blessed to have gotten the chance to have you all in my life. Please keep in touch and I will certainly be keeping tabs on my students. :)

Best Wishes!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

...there aren't words

There really aren't any words that I have right now to express the range of emotions that I am experiencing.

There is no part of my day that was easy today. It was absolutely the most emotionally draining day I have had in a very long time. I am sitting at my computer trying to think of the words I want to use but they really aren't coming to me.

The promotion I have received is truly an honor but it doesn't make my leaving any easier. I am touched by the well wishes I have received from parents, students, and staff. It will not be easy to leave my students or my PLE family next week.

Please know that my decision did not come easy and that this transition will be a smooth one. We are working diligently to ensure that the changes in the classroom are minimal and that students will continue with the routines and expectations that have become accustomed to.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Spelling This Week....

2nd graders do not have new spelling words this week. There will be no spelling test, as they took their test last week. 

3rd graders were given a new set of words on Monday. They will have their spelling test on Thursday as usual. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Students who turned in their Literature Menu projects presented their work to the class today. I am in awe of the creativity and work that was put into many of their projects.

Each student was knowledgeable about their chosen book and personal project. Each student also took a question and answer session from classmates following their presentation. I loved listening to their answers to student questions and seeing the pride and excitement on their faces!

Thank you for continuing to support your child in their education. It is greatly appreciated!

Literature Menu

Please remember that all Literature Menu projects are due at the end of each quarter. The end of the quarter comes before report cards are issued. Please refer to the Broward County School's master calendar to see these dates. 

This project is a requirement and is not optional. Students who did not complete the assignment this week are asked to turn in their assignment on Monday. 

Please click the link below in order to access a hard copy of the menu in case you have misplaced your copy or never received one. 

--->Literature Menu

Please be advised, that I will be editing the current menu for 2nd quarter. This above linked document is the correct  reference for 1st quarter. 

Thank you! :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Please remember that ALL field trip forms and ONLINE payments are due by this Thursday...October 25th.

Your payment window is automatically set to close after this date.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

T-Shirt Letters

T-shirt letters went home today 10.9.12 with students. Class t-shirt purchase is completely optional. The price of "Spears' Synergizers" is $7.00 per shirt. You may order as many as you wish and the price is the same for youth and adult sizes.

Please place your order and send EXACT CASH payment by Monday, October 15, 2012.

Looking forward to wearing our awesome class shirts!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Early Release 9/27/12

Don't forget that tomorrow (9/27/12) is 

Students will be dismissed at 12 pm. Please be sure that your child knows how he/she is getting home. 

Just a note...

Due to BAT I testing last week 3rd graders did not have spelling words. This week 3rd graders have spelling words. Also due to BAT testing, 2nd graders will continue their weekly focus this week which will conclude at the end of the week. 2nd graders did not receive new spelling words.

BOTH grade levels will take their spelling test on this Friday.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

All White Tomorrow 9/21/12

Choose PEACE!
Wear all white tomorrow 9/21/12
in observance of Choose Peace Week!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Open House Presentation

Has been posted. I must work with some very tired eyes. Everything seemingly looks good now. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Thank you!

Wow! Thank you so much for the amazing turnout tonight. It was so great seeing parent faces to match the names of my outstanding students.
Thank you for hanging in there as I sped you through our fast paced day. Please remember that if you have questions - don't hesitate to ask.

Did you notice that our clock stopped?! Our wall clock stopped slightly before 7 so thank goodness I was watching the computer clock. I may have tried to keep you there all night.

Be on the lookout for my post of tonight's presentation. Minus the few typos that my eyes and auto-correct didn't catch. I'm looking forward to a great year!

Again, thank you for coming out and showing your support!

Best wishes!

Open House TONIGHT!

Open House is TONIGHT at 6:30 p.m. We will begin on time. Don't forget that parents are encouraged to attend without children.
See you tonight! I'm sooooo excited to meet all of you!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Tomorrow Night @ 6:30 p.m. 
Hope to see you ALL there!

We Remember.

In a New York classroom one year after 9-11, students composed the following 9-11 poem. 
A relative of the teacher had perished on that tragic day in Tower One of the World Trade Center. The victim left behind a 3-year-old.

List of “Don’t Forgets” and “Remembers”

We were eight.
Before September 11th, we would wake up with a list of “Don’t Forgets”
Don’t forget to wash your face
Don’t forget to brush your teeth
Don’t forget to do your homework
Don’t forget to wear your jacket
Don’t forget to clean your room
Don’t forget to take a bath

After September 11th, we wake up with a list of “Remembers”
Remember to greet the sun each morning
Remember to enjoy every meal
Remember to thank your parents for their hard work
Remember to honor those who keep you safe
Remember to value each person you meet
Remember to respect other’s beliefs
Now we are nine.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Did You Know...

That we are mobile?

Visit our classroom website from your smartphone for a streamlined mobile version. 
Now you can keep up with everything right at your fingertips!

                                                                 Go ahead...check it out!

Open House Wednesday Night

Don't forget! Open House is this Wednesday at 6:30 pm. This should be a very informative session to learn about your child's classroom. Remember that children are encouraged to stay at home. This night has been specially prepared for the parents.

I hope to see you ALL on Wednesday night!


Spelling City has been updated! Sorry for the wait but it's good to go!
Don't forget that our spelling tests will take place on Thursdays during a full week of school, Fridays on a short week OR whatever day is the last day of that short week.

Study Study Study! Don't forget your capital letters, spaces, and punctuation marks. They all count!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Coming Soon...

Don't forget! Our Open House is coming soon...I hope to see all of you on Wednesday, September 12th at 6:30 pm. Please remember that parents are encouraged to attend without children. This will be an information session for the parents.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Happy Labor Day Weekend

I hope everyone has a relaxing weekend! See you Tuesday ---ready to learn!

Spelling Update...

Want to get a head start on next week's spelling words?
Spelling Fun has been updated...enjoy!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fundraiser Packets

Fundraiser packets went home today! Please be sure to ask your child about it. Participating in school fundraisers is a great way to show your support for our school!

Happy Independence Day!

Tomorrow, Friday August 24th we are celebrating 
PLE Independence Day!
All students are invited to wear their red, white and blue to celebrate "Independence Day" which will begin on Monday, August 27th. We will begin 
one-point entry procedures. 

All parents are asked to say their good-byes at the front door and our students will walk to class supervised by Pembroke Lakes Staff.

Save the Date

Mrs. Spears' class will be having our 
Open House on:

Wednesday, September 12th 
                            6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Check out the Daily Schedule page for a newly posted schedule. This schedule is tentative and subject to revision throughout the year. 

Absentee Calls

Parents if you have been receiving calls about your child being absent during these first few days of school please disregard. We have been following up on these calls on our end and it is a glitch within the district's attendance management system. There is no error in the attendance that has been taken at school. The absence has not been recorded.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Homework Assignments

Homework assignments are slowly beginning. The next few weeks will be full of me getting to know the students and what types of instruction and practice will be beneficial for them. As always, I ask for patience in determining this.
You will find either a green or blue sticker on the outside of your child's agenda. This is to help them remember which homework group they are in. As the year progresses or I see need, more homework groups may be assigned.

I am asking for your feedback when we begin more consistent homework assignments. If at any time you feel that your child is struggling with an assignment please let me know. It does not necessarily mean that the concept is too difficult, it may solely mean that the presentation is wrong. This will be something that I will need to adjust in order to ensure that each child is successful.
One thing that is important to understand is that a student should not labor through homework. Just because a child finishes quickly - does not mean the assignment was too easy. This is often a misconception. Homework is simply reinforcement of what was taught during the school day/week. I never want a student to feel as though their homework was too hard.

I am a firm believer in family time as well. As family units we spend most of our waking hours apart. As a mother of two - I want my children to have valuable and meaningful assignments, however I don't want that to consume the few precious hours of family time we have each week.

If at any time you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email me or send in a note with your child.

I'm looking forward to a challenging and rewarding school year.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Spelling FUN!

Take a look at the newly added Spelling FUN! tab each week - for fun games and activities!

Happy 1st Day of School!

Wow! What an amazing first day of school. I was so excited to see everyone's face this morning. We had a great first day together and I am looking forward to many more amazing days this school year. GET READY - SET - LEARN!

Good Morning!

I don't know if you're as excited as I am but I can't wait to start a new school year today. It was great seeing those of you that were able to make it out to our Meet and Greet! I can't wait to get to know all of you throughout the day today! Be sure to bring your smiles!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Wondering How You Can Help?

The school year is about to begin and you may be wondering how you can help make sure your child has a successful academic year.