What are the school hours?

School hours are from 7:55 am to 1:55 pm.
Students are not allowed on campus until 7:30 am. There is no supervision before this time. Please do not drop your child off before this time. It is unsafe.

7:55 am - 1:55 pm Class
7:00 am - 3:00 pm Office
1:55 pm - 6:00 pm Aftercare

What is Early Release?

Early release days are academic days which end at 12:00 pm for elementary students. They are considered full days and are not made up. These days allow for staff development and planning. 

After school care is available to students who are enrolled in the program. Please be sure that your child knows how he/she will be getting home on these days. 

Should I be signing my child's agenda book?

It is very important that you look at your child's agenda each night. The agenda will be used as a communication tool between school and home. I will use the agenda to communicate homework assignments as well as any other comments for the day. 

Please take the time to review the agenda and sign the day's corresponding box so that I know that you have reviewed the agenda.

How should my child be completing homework assignments?

I recommend that you allow your child to complete homework assignments independently. You should be there for assistance if necessary but it is important that you allow them to do the "thinking and the inking" (writing). 

All homework should be completed in print handwriting and should be written in pencil unless otherwise directed. 

Your child should not mark or draw on any part of their assignment unless the directions instruct them to do so. A child showing their work or thought process is acceptable. 

Should my child be reading at night?

Reading is an important part of your child's education. Not only should your child be reading in school but you should also make reading a part of your child's nightly routine. A specific reading assignment will not always be assigned but each student is expected to read at least 15 minutes a night. 

Make reading a family affair!

Can I bring in birthday treats or celebrate my child's birthday at school?

We do not "celebrate" birthdays in the classroom. You may send in cookies, donuts or cupcakes. Please no cupcake cakes or cakes. The treat will be served during the lunch period. Cookies or donuts are preferred as they are easier and faster to serve to students in a limited amount of time. 

Please do not send in ice cream or beverages of any kind. 

What if my child is absent?

Absences may be reported by email, telephone or written note. The report must come from a parent or guardian and give the date(s) and reason of the absence. Parents must report an absence within two (2) days following the absence. A note can be sent either the day before or immediately after the student returns. Please feel free to email the the front office your child's absence.

All excused student absences must align with the eight (8) reasons allowed as outlined in the Broward County Code of Student Conduct.

It is strongly recommended that students be in class each day to avoid missed subject content. However, students will be allowed to make up missed assignments.

What if my child is tardy?

Please try to avoid tardiness!
If your child is tardy , you must sign him/her in at the front office to get a tardy slip. Students will not be permitted in class without a tardy slip. Your child will need to walk to class alone. 

5 or more tardies in a quarter will result in a *3* under shows effort. 

Students in my classroom will be keeping a journal of their attendance. Students who meet the goal of NO tardies and excellent attendance will earn their Attendance Merit Card for the quarter. 

Please help ensure that your child is on time daily. Good attendance is VITAL to academic success!

What if I need to speak with the teacher and have not scheduled a conference?

Please go to the office and leave a note, or feel free to email me with any questions or concerns. 
Email is truly the best way to reach me. My email address is lspears@browardschools.com.

I will be happy to work with you to choose a conference time/date that works for both of us. 
However, we cannot allow parents to stop by for unscheduled visits as we have a very busy academic day. Conference times are 7:30 am and 2:00 pm. 

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Where does my child put his or her lunch money?

Please decide on a special place in the bookbag for your child to consistently look for money. I do not check for money but I do remind students to take out money before leaving for lunch. 

Always let your child know that you have placed money in their bookbag so that they are aware. 
Per policy - students will not be allowed to return to the classroom for forgotten money. 

Do you check bookbags for important papers or homework?

I believe that students should learn to be independent and responsible learners. Please place any important notes, papers or homework inside of your child's folder. I check folders and agendas daily.

What is the school's web address?


My child has an appointment. When is the best time to check them out?

Obviously the best time is after the school day. However, I realize that this is not always possible. If you must check your child out early for an appointment, please try to avoid the READING and MATH blocks in our schedule. These are two of the most difficult subject areas to make up when content is missed. 

If at all possible, please try to bring your child back to school so that they miss as little curriculum as possible.