Parents CAN Help

Show Your Interest
Look at papers your child brings home.
Discuss/display papers and projects .
Volunteer for school activities .
Attend school functions (PTA, Parent-Teacher conferences, programs...)
Provide a Positive Environment
Be supportive of school rules and policies.
Establish home expectations and responsibilities.
Help your child to be responsible for remembering his/her class materials.
Model appropriate behavior and language.
Model respect for people in authority.
Keep Communication Lines Open
Please check Homework Folders nightly for communications. 
Please read the agenda nightly and initial.
Write all notes inside the agenda or Homework Folder.  Bookbags are not checked for notes.
Help Your Child Learn
Read to your child .
Listen to your child read daily.
Follow up on suggestions for your child.
Keep learning positive and fun .
              Ten Things Parents Can Do To Help Their Children Read Better!
1.           READ TO YOUR CHILD. Preferably everyday, from ages 0 to 12. Read from a wide variety of materials: classics and contemporary; fact and fiction.
2.       ENCOURAGE WRITING. Encourage scribbling and pretend writing.  Write letters and stories. Have writing materials available: crayons, pens, computers, etc.
3.       HAVE READING MATERIAL AT HOME.  Have a variety of books, magazines, newspapers, dictionaries, etc. for entertainment and information.  Make sure some are easy to read.
4.       GET YOUR CHILD A LIBRARY CARD. Exchange books weekly.
5.       ENCOURAGE CONVERSATION.  Talk about animals, family problems, the world, and their reading.
6.       CONTROL TV. It should not be on all the time.  Have silent periods for reading. Watch some good shows about books, science, and major events.
7.       MODEL READING. Read for yourself and let your child see you.  Read books and newspapers on a regular basis.
8.       HAVE YOUR CHILD READ ALOUD. Have your child read aloud to you and with other children.  Help with mistakes, and if the child makes many mistakes, exchange the book for an easier one.
9.       DO MANY INFORMAL EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES. Visit zoos, museums, and different places.  Have your child cook, construct, and observe carefully.  Don’t omit games and exercises.
10.    VALUE SCHOOL AND LEARNING. Talk to the teacher about reading progress. Praise academic achievement and encourage your child when they are struggling with a concept.