Classroom Expectations

My approach to classroom management creates clear expectations for behavior in which the students fully understand the consequences. I strive to develop self-discipline and responsibility. It is equally important to reward students with good behavior in order to draw attention to the correct behavior. My responsive classroom is organized to create an inviting and warm atmosphere from the first day of school and an environment in which students feel safe to take risks.

There are various methods I practice to manage student behavior individually, in cooperative groups and as a whole class.

$$Welcome to Busy Bee Bank$$
We use a money system, in our classroom that incorporates math in a fun and educational way.
$ Each student in our class is given a checkbook and taught how to write checks and keep their checkbook balanced. 
(I know, this is a big task, but you'll be surprised at how quickly they learn!) 
$ Students are paid $50 per month. This is the base pay for being a productive citizen in Mrs. Spears' class.
$ However, this money has to be used to pay any "fines" that the children may incur - these fines are part of the consequences to our class rules. If a rule is broken during the day, the child must pay his/her fine by writing a check at the beginning of physical activity to give to the teacher.
$ Students may use accumulated money to make purchases at the class store or class auctions.
Our Classroom Rules & Expectations
Rules and Fines
1. LISTEN when others are talking $5.00
2. Follow directions $2.00
3. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself $10.00
4. Work quietly and do not disturb others $5.00
5. Show respect for others, school and personal property $10.00
6. Work and play in a safe manner $5.00
Expectations and Fines
1. Bring Homework & Materials $10.00
2. Raise hand to speak $2.00
3. Be honest $5.00
4. Keep areas neat and clean $5.00
**Other rules and expectations may be added during the year, as needed.
*Severe behaviors or constant disruptions will be sent to the office.*
Through this classroom management system, I expect each student to:
* spell number words correctly * gain practice in adding and subtracting
* demonstrate proper use of a calculator (later in the year)
* write a check correctly -and keep the checkbook balanced correctly (life skill)
* determine between needs and wants when making purchases
Whole-Class Management
If our entire class is showing excellent behavior and earns a compliment from myself or any other adult we earn a minute on our Class Clock.  We use a large clock - that begins on 8:00.  Each time we receive a compliment we move the minute hand one minute. Once the clock has moved 15 minutes the class receives a reward. This is a great way to reinforce the concept of time while rewarding the class for excellent behavior. 
Rewards are as follows:
8:15 - 15 minutes of free time
8:30 - 30 minutes of computer time
8:45 - teacher treat
9:00 - 1 hour movie viewing
If the class reaches all of the above rewards, the rewards start over.
Team Management System
Teams also have a chance to work together to earn a reward. Teams are rewarded by working together, following directions, and showing exemplary behavior. All teams have the opportunity to earn "table points" throughout the day. Tally marks are used to keep track of table points throughout the week. The team with the most tally marks on Friday earns the chance to go to the prize box.
 **All behavior systems do not work with all classes. The teacher reserves the right to change these systems or any of their components at any time throughout the year.